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News & updates

Hello everybody, time to take stock of the last month and consider news, changes, updates...

Increased rates for PPD plan
Mass testing has shown that there is an opportunity to increase current rates for PDD. We also received numerous reviews from webmasters that in what part of the tariff line it is better to do this. Some countries have been moved to higher tiers.

Affiliate program page
We have received a large number of questions and feedback during this time. Thanks to this, we were able to make the affiliate program page much more informative and useful for webmasters. Now there you can find the answer to almost any question!

We added REST/JSON API. Generate a link for it and get instructions you can in the Affiliate section of your account. Supported functions are:
- get user's account info/status;
- upload with URL;
- upload to server with POST request;
- file and folder management (get file/folder list, rename, clone, ger direct link and etc).

z_o_o_m's File & Image Uploader
RapidCloud.cc was added to another popular program. If you also need to integrate our service into a program or site, please email us to [email protected].

Popular forums
All this time we worked to make ours more popular. RapidCloud.cc has been allowed at many popular forums. You can request a list of these forums at support. Despite the good results, our work in this direction continues, and soon you will see our service in new white lists.